Living Plan B

Mike's Alive - My Survival Adventure

Discover your Plan B

Discover your Plan B and switch to it early.
Plan A is a trap – it is the plan laid out for you.
“good education”
“good career”

Sticking with Plan A takes no courage

Sticking with Plan A takes no courage; no effort other than what “they” prescribe. It is the default lifestyle for people who are unaware.
Most people live and die in Plan A. They never break out and determine their own path. Some dream of a different way but never make it happen.
Be better. Be different. Be YOU.

Plan BE!


Create a workable Plan B

In order to create and adopt a workable Plan B you must first properly identify the Plan A template then come up with a plan of your own. It is difficult to escape from a prison when you can’t see the bars, but when you develop a new sense of vision you will see the structure all around you.

You can only leave once you find the door and learn to unlock it.

What is Plan A?

Simplistically, Plan A is a lifestyle template that we are all programmed to adopt. This invisible yet rigid template contains definitions for every aspect of our lives.
Of course, this template has existed in “our” culture for a long time, and nobody is exempt.

Even before your own birth your parent or parents were expected by society to bring you into this world in a particular fashion; raise you in accordance with established norms; and pass the acceptable lifestyle template onto you.

New and young mothers especially are leaned on to “do the right thing”. Everything from marriage, conception, giving birth, feeding, nappy changes, nurturing, discipline, schooling, the transition from childhood through adolescence to adulthood – the expectation on parents are monumental, and are set in stone.
“Pink for a girl; blue for a boy.”

Let the programming begin!

And that’s just the “in your face “ stuff laid out before you’re even born. Once you pop out into the land of the living: that’s where the real programming of you as an individual begins, and it begins the day you can tell the difference between a carrot and a stick.

So, we all know how that works, right? Provide positive and negative feedback in order to reinforce an acceptable pattern of behaviour.

Eat your dinner – carrot
Tidy your room – carrot
Play nice with your sister – carrot
Do well at school/work, etc

Behaving in the socially acceptable way brings rewards, whereas bad behaviour brings the stick!

Goof up at school – stick!
Goof up at work – big stick!

Comparing sticks and carrots

As an aside – isn’t it interesting that the sticks always grow a lot more than the carrots. Really unacceptable behaviour can lead you to being locked up, maybe even for the rest of your life, whereas, if you work really hard at your job, going above and beyond all expectations all year – well, you won’t get carrots for the rest of your life for that!

Now, I’m not condoning lawlessness. I’m just suggesting that you redefine the template.

Thank you for reading. I wish you all the best.
Mike Ventura